Σάββατο 2 Ιουνίου 2012

Saturday.. the Backup Day!

My English practise through technology.

Since Microsoft has decided to exclude :-( the powerful utility, commonly known as Ntbackup, from windows 7, we shall try some other tools to make a full backup of a disk.

The Os we 'll be using is linux Fedora 16.

Given Scenario:

We have two usb disks, the first 120Gb will be fully backed up to the second one 500Gb.
  1. Connect both disks to linux, preferably via usb connectors. 
  2. Linux automatically mounts them in the folder /media as /media/disk1/ and /media/disk2/
  3. In order to determine which disk contains the file structure to backup, open a command line terminal and use the command "ls -ltr /media/disk1/" and "ls -ltr /media/disk2/" without the double quotes. Disk1 contains the file structure. Disk2 is blank.
  4. We 'll use the tar and gzip commands to backup the disk1. Tar makes a destination file to disk2, which is used as a backup container for disk1. Tar uses .tar extension, and gzip compresses the tar file to a .tar.gz extension. The tar is equivalent to Microsoft Ntbackup. The disadvantage is that is a command line utility. In contrast with tar,  Microsoft Ntbackup was fully graphical and easy to use.
  5. Now, use the following command syntax (without the double quotes) to backup disk1 to disk2
  6. "cd /media/disk1/; tar -cvf - . | gzip > /media/disk2/oldbackup010612.tar.gz"  and then press enter.
  7. This command syntax tells us "Go to disk1, start taking the backup of disk1 to disk2 through gzip compression". The final result is a backup file oldbackup010612.tar.gz with a reduced file size of the initial disk1 size.
  8. ........I wish Ntbackup back!!!!!

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